ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 April 14, 1996 Minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Board, held February 19, 1996. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Herb Mower (Board), Jim Wilber (Board), Jay Krone (Board), Mark Curtiss (Board), Kris Kendall (Board, Work Week Manager), Scott McMurray (Board), Jim Harmon (Board, House Manager), Steve Morris, Peter K. Hadley, Matt Mucklo, Josh Littlefield (Board), Paul Shay (Board, Quaester), Adam D'Amico, Ben Hellweg (Board, Consul). Minutes of the October 30, 1995, meeting were accepted as distributed. CHAPTER REPORTS Consul -- Ben Hellweg 1. I-week went very well, despite the untimely arrival of the cook. Eleven new brothers were initiated. Morale is high, everything's great. Work Week '95 -- Matt Mucklo 1. Matt distributed an expense summary, and reported that Work Week came in under budget. 2. Some projects were not completed: the new roof hatch, new light fixtures, mattress replacement, and back stairs repair. 3. The Board approved the 1995 Work Week report as submitted. 4. Matt mentioned that $760 had been spent over the summer on having a serviceman come out to re-light the water heater pilot light. He requested the corporation cover this cost. OLD BUSINESS 115th Reunion -- Herb Mower 1. The reunion committee will talk with Theresa Joyce of the MIT Alumni Assoc. regarding assistance they may be able to offer with hotels, printing, etc. Phone System -- Matt Mucklo 1. Matt would like to spend the additional $500 we approved as a loan for the telephone voice mail system. This would also cover the costs of 8MB of RAM and a SoundBlaster kit. NEW BUSINESS Work Week '96 -- Kris Kendall 1. Kris gave an oral overview of Work Week plans. No major projects are planned. a. Things not finished last year will be first on the list. This includes library and dining room lighting fixtures and improving the dangling electrical conduit in 4LB. b. Carpeting of floors 3 & 4 is needed. Also sanding upper floors and repainting the stairway. c. Installation of electrical outlets is planned for certain bedrooms where they are lacking. d. 2LB needs carpeting. e. Some zero floor tiles need replacement. f. Retiling of the entryway is a possibility again this year. g. Better storage facilities in the old phone closets (which aren't used much now that brothers have phones in their rooms), if time permits. 2. Steve Morris encouraged getting some safety and security work done before Work Week. 3. Herb Mower recommended looking into elevator door interlocks, and a lock for the outer front door. He feels the vestibule may provide good cover for a thief trying to break in the front door. Sigma Nu has been broken into through the front door. 4. The target budget is about $5K - $6K. Physical Plant Overseers -- Mark Curtiss 1. P. K. Hadley, Steve Morris, and Karl Buttner are all interested in filling the proposed role of facilities guru. Mark proposed we take advantage of their combined talents with a 3 man committee. Karl, being absent, was selected to chair the committee. Stewart Howe -- Mark Curtiss 1. Mark described the current process of donation tracking with Stewart Howe. Checks are sent to a Cambridge PO box, and then forwarded to large multi-client box in Ithaca, NY where they are recorded by S-H. Two weeks later the checks should come to Mark for deposit to our account. 2. At best this process takes about 4-6 weeks end-to-end, but very long delays have occurred at least twice. Mark has made it clear to S-H that we expect checks every two weeks during the fundraising season, but is skeptical that it will improve. He'd like to consider alternatives. 3. He'll investigate an inexpensive "lock box" account, which is a bank-owned PO Box. The bank would deposit the checks, then send copies of everything off to someone else. 4. S-H expenses for the last calendar year (includes 2 Beaver Sigs, 1 other mailing) amount to $5530, which breaks down roughly as follows: $840 - alumni relations service fee, $3200 Beaver Sig costs (~750 mailed), $1200 dues mailings, $200 misc. Miscellaneous -- Herb Mower 1. Herb reported that he had authorized emergency funding for a new door to the bike room. 2. An upcoming AIFC dinner will focus on fundraising, and should provide a basis for discussion at a future meeting. 3. Herb would like an alumni Corporate Board member to attend Workshop this year. 4. Money has been given to MIT enabling a $5000/year gift to the ILG with the best undergraduate/alumni relations program. He thinks we have a good shot at this. The next Corporate Board meeting will take place on April 29, 1996. The meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield Corporate Clerk