ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 October 13, 1996 Minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Board, held September 30, 1996. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Herb Mower (Board), Kris Kendall (Work Week Manager), Scott McMurray (Board), Jim Harmon (Board), Mark Curtiss (Board), Jay Krone (Board), Peter K. Hadley, Josh Littlefield (Board), Adam D'Amico, Ben Hellweg (Board), Kioki Jackson, Matt Esch (Board, Consul), T. J. Black, Jim Wilber (Board). Minutes of the April 29, 1996, meeting were accepted as distributed. BUSINESS 115th Anniversary Reunion - Herb Mower 1. The Hotel is reserved. Its the 57 Park Plaza, which is becoming a Radisson next Spring. Our quoted prices will hold through the reunion, which is scheduled for April 18 - April 20. 2. The schedule currently is as follows: Friday evening: Class get-togethers Saturday: Presentation, probably by Victor Aguero ~ 11:00am Lunch Secret stuff (Boston tours for non-brothers) Saturday evening: Dinner-dance w/musical entertainment before dinner (Logarhythms or Brass ensemble) Sunday: Brunch (w/musical group) Athletic event BBQ to wrap up 3. Ben Hellweg will check on a room at MIT (Student Center, Bush room, or other) for Saturday lunch and presentation. 4. Chapter can probably cook Sunday brunch. 5. There was some discussion of notable guests to invite, entrees to serve, and recruiting efforts (telethons, etc.). 6. There will be a mention of the reunion in the Fall Beaver Sig, followed by a postcard or mailing later. Then invitations will go out after the first of the year. Work Week - Kris Kendall 1. Kris distributed a summary of Work Week projects and costs. 2. Some minor changes were made to the project list during Work Week. The third and fourth floors got recarpeted instead of relaying the old carpet, and the Consul's room and 2LB were not recarpeted. The phone closet storage did not get built due to a shortage of man-hours. 3. The installer has not yet completed the carpeting. He has a deposit for half the amount, and has notified the Chapter that the carpet has been delivered to his business. He has been unreachable for establishing an installation date. Kris will visit his place of business if no progress is made by phone. This is the same installer who did the first floor in the past, so he was believed to be reputable. 3. Work Week came in well under budget (partly due to over-estimating the initial budget). 4. The Board approved a motion authorizing payment of $2879.23 (which does not include a $65 expense for piano tuning -- a Chapter responsibility). Additionally, $1390 was approved if and when the new carpet is installed. 5. The Chapter has not yet decided to purchase the rug shampooer approved at the last meeting. CHAPTER REPORTS Consul - Matt Esch 1. The House is doing fine. They recently took their trip to Herbie's Forest and accomplished many good things. 2. Kioki is stepping down and Sherret Walker will be the new Chapter Advisor. 3. The Chapter is financially sound and housebills are down. Effective budgeting and meal plans have added to financial stability. CORPORATE REPORTS President - Herb Mower 1. The Phi Kaps are planning to add a fifth floor to their building next door. The rumored cost is about $350,000. There is a hearing scheduled soon for neighborhood reaction to the plan. Treasurer - Herb Mower for Mark Curtiss 1. Mark distributed a handout summarizing the Corporation's financial situation, with comparative numbers for the prior two years. 2. Assets are about the same as last year, which is a bit low, but short term receivables make the picture less worrisome. 3. The most recent of the three current mortgages is about to drop in rate, saving about $2000/year, which should help offset the loss of Renovation Fund income ($5500 this year). 4. Insurance costs appear a bit higher due to MIT accounting differences. 5. The Corporation paid Federal tax last year due to interest income, of which only a small amount is tax-free for our type of non-profit corporation. Mark was unable to locate filings for the prior 5 or 6 years. 6. Discussion of possible Corporation subsidy of undergrads at the 115th led to a general consensus that their costs should be ~$50/person. Stewart Howe Committee - Mark Curtiss 1. Stewart-Howe is now out of the loop for donations. They are advised about donations on the tail-end in order to record amounts and addresses. 2. Its not clear how much we can reduce the cost of Stewart-Howe while maintaining any services, due to a large fixed cost. Currently, they maintain a database for mailings, accounting, etc. While we can get an address database from MIT, it may be less accurate and it wouldn't include friends of the house. 3. Jim Wilber will be added to the S-H committee, which will be meeting to discuss further options regarding the Beaver Sig and other S-H services. No-Name Facilities Committee - P. K. Hadley 1. Steve Morris has moved to Vermont in a foolish effort to be with his wife. 2. The no-name committee needs a new member to replace him. P. K. will notify the chair to seek a new member. The Chapter is holding an alumni dinner on Friday, October 25, at 6:30. Dress is casual. The next Corporate Board meeting will immediately follow the Corporation Annual Meeting, which will take place on October 29, 1996. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield Corporate Clerk