ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 February 14, 1999 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Alpha Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Inc. held November 10, 1998. The meeting was called to order at 7:22 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Mark Curtiss (Board, Corp. Member), Herb Mower (Board, Corp. Member), Jim Wilber (Corp. Member), P. K. Hadley (Board, Corp. Member), Phil Kim (Consul, Board), Vikram Gottam (House Manager, Board), Richard Yeh (proxy for Quaestor, Board), Gene Pyo, Adam Kropp (G.Z., Board), Pete Warren (Corp. Member), Jon Demerly, Paul Shay, Tom Faust (Board, Corp. Member), Josh Littlefield (Board, Corp. Member). Minutes of the October 14, 1997, meeting were accepted as distributed by mail and e-mail. BUSINESS 1. Mark Curtiss began the meeting with an overview of the Corporation structure to inform and remind those present. Election of Corporate Members 1. Tom Faust, Rick Karash, Jay Krone, Josh Littlefield, and Jim Wilber were reelected as a corporate members for 3 year terms. Additionally, Paul Shay and Jon Demerly were elected to 3 year terms. 2. The number of Alumni Corporate Members was fixed at twenty until the next annual meeting. Election of Alumni Representatives to the Board of Directors 1. Karl Büttner, Mark Curtiss, Jay Krone, Josh Littlefield, Herb Mower, P. K. Hadley, and Tom Faust were all elected to one year terms on the Board of Directors. By-laws change 1. Herb Mower introduced a motion to amend the by-laws regarding a quorum of corporate members for the annual meeting. The motion stated that for any annual meeting of the Corporation, the current members in attendance at that meeting shall represent a quorum, provided proper notice of the meeting was provided, as stated in the by-laws. 2. The motion was seconded by Jim Wilber, and passed unanimously. REPORTS Chapter - Phil Kim 1. Phil reported the Chapter is doing well, with no negative incidents. 2. More actives have cars this year, so the Chapter is renting parking spaces from the Phi Kaps for $100/space/month. 3. The Sweetheart Ball is coming up soon, and will be held at the Omni Parker House followed by the now customary ice skating session. 4. Further alcohol incidents have occurred at MIT, involving A E Pi, and Zeta Psi. Chi Phi has warned the IFC that reporters have contacted them requesting party pictures. A feeding frenzy-like atmosphere continues to exist with the media concerning alcohol and MIT fraternities. This unfortunately means that responsible people seeking medical help for alcohol-related situations trigger unwanted media coverage. 5. President and Mrs. Vest have been invited to dinner at the house by signing up for one of the six dinner engagement slots available for such things through the president's office. This will likely happen on April 12. 6. The IFC is trying to assemble some committees regarding alcohol and freshman housing. One committee is currently trying to fight Vest's decision regarding the future of freshman housing, but there has not yet been any real progress. President - Mark Curtiss 1. Mark provided an update on the MIT housing situation and president Vest's decision to house freshmen in dormitories once new construction increases the available dormitory space. Though dialog took place with the faculty, there are indications that this decision was made primarily by Vest himself, and that it is very unlikely to change. 2. Mark encouraged everyone to read the report of the Presidents Task Force on Student Life and Learning, which is available on the Internet, at: Mark noted a statement in section 4.2.1 indicating the high residence satisfaction rating with members of fraternities and other independent living groups. Absent from the on-line version, but present in the printed one, is a footnote citing that a 1994 survey showed that 93% of ILG residents were satisfied with their living group, compared with 80% of dormitory residents, and that satisfaction at MIT overall is higher than that at peer institutions. This makes many people skeptical that changing the MIT living experience to mirror other colleges is a good idea. 3. Mark expressed concern about more competitive rushing situations in the future, where we need to rush for a third of the slots in the house once freshman rush is eliminated. Treasurer - Tom Faust 1. The Corporation has about $35,000 in the bank, and has been paying bills on time. 2. Rent collection for this year is still being worked out with the Quaestor. 3. No financial report was available at the time of the meeting. Mark Curtiss will work through some financial reporting issues with Tom. Financial statements for the year will be distributed to corporate members soon. Fundraising - Herb Mower 1. Herb reported that we received approximately $8200 last year from alumni. We received about $4000 in October and November of this year. 2. Herb made the suggestion that we recognize the selection of Alexander d'Arbeloff as chairman of the MIT Corporation by having him to dinner. 3. General discussion of fundraising and endowment building followed. Mark Curtiss again raised the suggestion of a development or fundraising committee. This committee would work with the facilities committee to determine a schedule for capital needs. Paul Shay suggested that an increased endowment might help weather a poor rush in the future. 4. Mark suggested a significant capital campaign may be appropriate. The services of Stewart-Howe are available for consultation with such a campaign. Tom Faust suggested we contact Dave Strauss, who does consulting in fundraising professionally. Others suggested Tom Jones and Jim Bidigare might be able to contribute help. The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM. The meeting of the Corporate Board was called to order at 8:38 PM. Present: As above. Minutes of the October 10, 1998, meeting were accepted as distributed by mail and e-mail. Election of Officers 1. Mark Curtiss was elected to a one year term as President of the Corporation by white ballot. 2. Tom Faust was elected to a one year term as Treasurer of the Corporation by white ballot. 3. Josh Littlefield was elected to a one year term as Clerk of the Corporation by white ballot. REPORTS Work Week Final Report - Gene Pyo 1. Gene distributed a final report. 2. The replacement of the bar door was not completed. Adjusting for this, the budget was $4780. Expenses totaled $4735.06. This included $450 for 4 months of Orkin exterminator services. There was discussion, but no resolution, as to whether exterminator services are typically paid by the Corporation. However, since the original approved budget included this expense, the consensus was that this initial fee should be paid by the Corporation. Mark Curtiss will research whether payment for future services will be allowed. 3. The Board approved a motion to accept the work week report and release funds to the house. Building Maintenance 1. The Board approved a motion to form a standing, intergenerational, committee on facilities and physical plant, which would subsume the agenda of the former no-name committee. P. K. Hadley, Pete Warren, Jon Demerly, Karl Büttner were appointed to the committee, along with the Chapter work week manager and house manager. 2. Pete mentioned that he might be able to get various hardware components (compressors, pumps, etc.) for the house from leftover inventory at his business. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be on Wednesday, February 24. The subsequent meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 20. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield, Corporate Clerk Minutes of November 10, 1998 Annual and Corporate Board Meetings Page