ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 September 26, 1999 Minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Board, held May 5, 1999. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Mark Curtiss (Board), Herb Mower (Board), Jay Krone (Board), Karl Buttner (Board), Richard Yeh (Quaestor, Board), Vik Gottam, Nick Cohen, Mitch Hesley (Work Week Mgr.), Nick Hernandez (Board), Phil Kim (G.Z., Board), Paul Shay, Sam Towell (Pro-Consul, Board), Josh Littlefield (Board). Minutes of the February 24, 1999, meeting were accepted as distributed. REPORTS Chapter Report - Sam Towell 1. The Leadership Consultant (formerly known as Assistant Executive Secretary) from Sigma Chi visited for two days. He talked with the officers and talked about rush in 2001. 2. Peterson application submitted. 3. The House has a new boarding house license. 4. There is a new Resident Advisor candidate from RPI who looks promising. The house is proposing to charge $100/month to cover the cost of the lost additional bed. Herb suggested the Corporation should cover this out of the educational set-aside account. Mark will talk to Neil Dorow about the R/A agreement. Corporate Report - Herb Mower 1. According to the AIFC, social events cannot be advertised in "public" places, meaning beyond campuses. 2. A group of Alpha Thetas are coming to MIT for their 50th reunion this Spring. They've invited neighboring classes to attend a private shindig. The house needs to be prepared to make a good showing for tours, etc. 3. Rumors say the new dorm won't be ready for 2001. 4. MIT wants to develop more land they have in Cambridge for junior faculty housing and to encourage ILGs to relocate to Cambridge. BUSINESS Work Week - Mitch Hesley 1. Mitch circulated a detailed budget proposal for Work Week. 2. The contractor estimated repair of pocket doors at ~$800/door-set, or $2400. This is based on needing to repair or replace the track in the wall. Jay suggested that we repair only one set of doors this year and see how it holds up for a year before proceeding with others. Karl suggested investigating references on the contractor, or viewing examples of his prior work on re-hanging similar doors. Ralph Cole and Rick Karash were mentioned as other contacts for this type of work. 3. Repair or replacement of dining room table and chairs was dropped from the budget. The Work Week Manager will provide the corporation an inventory of the condition of these items, and the Board will investigate repair. 4. There was discussion about the budget containing many power tools, which are typically not purchased by the corporation. It was agreed that if locking storage was provided for the smaller power tools, the corporation would cover their cost. 5. Missing from the budget was repair of the dryer duct (clogged and leaky) and retiling of the zero floor hall and kitchen with vinyl tile. 6. The proposed budget was approved, with adjustments for door repair and missing items expected, and provision of lockable storage for power tools. Fundraising - Mark Curtiss 1. Mike Duzik and Pete McChesney of Stewart-Howe joined the meeting for a brief presentation and brainstorming on a major capital campaign. 2. They encouraged assessing needs for 5-10 years and raising sufficient funds to cover a 10 year period. This includes not just physical plant needs, but also soliciting input from actives on various things which would make the house better. 3. They described a multi-step approach that should be undertaken over the course of a year in the campaign, and suggested financial and participation targets. 4. Pete pointed out that the Phi Kaps managed to create some tax deductibility in their campaign to aid in increasing gifts and allowing matching gifts. This may be accomplished by establishing a 501(c)(3) corporate foundation, putting some funds there, and funneling some capital funds through it. This can be used to provide scholarship aid to members. 5. They suggested we check out other recently renovated houses to both see what they did, hear how they did it, and see what we're up against in terms of rush. 6. The board agreed to hold off initiating any campaign until the Fall, when actives could be included. Miscellaneous 1. The board was interested if the house network administrator had considered Y2K readiness of house systems. This would include the phone switch, voice mail software and computer, and the fire alarm system. It was suggested that this be investigated. 2. Mark will schedule the Senior Dinner via e-mail. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield Corporate Clerk