Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 February 4, 2001 Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Alpha Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity, Inc. held November 14, 2000. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Mark Curtiss (Board, Corp. Member), Karl Büttner (Board, Corp. Member), Danny Craig (House Mgr, Board), Herb Mower (Board, Corp. Member), Nick Cohen (Spring Board Rep.), P. K. Hadley, Albert Chan (Consul, Board), Jon Coe, Doug Bailey, Tom Faust (Board, Corp. Member), Jay Krone (Board, Corp. Member), Mike DeLaus, Paul Wang, Josh Littlefield (Board, Corp. Member). Minutes of the November 18, 1999, meeting were accepted as distributed by e-mail. REPORTS Consul - Albert Chan 1. The Chapter recently held an Alumni Weekend, which was coordinated with a dinner to present the Swanson Memorial Scholarship. It went very well, with more than 70 attendees for the dinner, including Charles Vest and Alex d'Arbeloff. Richard Yeh was awarded the first Swanson Memorial Scholarship. 2. The IFC is trying to form a new alcohol policy. They are also looking into an anonymous emergency medical transport service due to fear of reprisals for students seeking help through other means. The dorms share this concern. 3. The Chapter received the Peterson award, on appeal. President - Mark Curtiss 1. The AIFC is working on a new charter, which could make it a more effective advocacy organization rather than just a sounding board. There may be a public relations aspect to the organization going forward. Treasurer - Tom Faust 1. The Corporation is solvent, with approximately $65K in the bank. Tom recommended consideration be given to factoring an endowment or sinking fund into capital campaign planning. Building Needs Committee - Mike DeLaus 1. The Committee has taken tours of various dormitories and ILGs, including the Phi Kappa Sigma house. Danny Craig, the undergraduate renovation coordinator, has documented the house needs as determined by the committee, and this report will be available on the web soon. 2. After evaluating four architectural firms, the committee chose Hecht Scherding Architects. 3. The renovation project should start this summer. It is still unclear whether the project can be completed in one summer, but is looking somewhat unlikely. 4. The goal of the project is to expand living space, including the addition of a partial fifth floor. Sigma Chi is currently one of the worst houses in terms of living space. 5. The Committee would like design work to start in the next few weeks. They still need to line up a construction manager (similar to a general contractor, but more of an agent of the property owner), and look into permitting. Hecht Sherding will be involved throughout the process, with walkthroughs at least weekly. Capital Campaign Committee Update - Mark Curtiss 1. Mark is still looking for a chair for this committee, and will propose goals for the committee soon. Reunion Committee Update - Mark Curtiss 1. A number of people have volunteered for the committee, but more are still needed, scattered across the class years. An undergraduate coordinator will be identified soon. BUSINESS Election of Corporate Members 1. Ben Hellweg resigned his Corporation membership, due to relocation. 2. Peter Hadley and Pete Warren were reelected as corporate members for 3-year terms. Additionally, Mike DeLaus and Doug Bailey were elected to 3-year terms. 3. The number of Alumni Corporate Members was fixed at twenty until the next annual meeting. Election of Corporate Member Representatives to the Board of Directors 1. The total number of directors was increased from 13 to 15, adding one corporate member director and one undergraduate director. 2. Karl Büttner, Mark Curtiss, Mike DeLaus, Tom Faust, Peter Hadley, Jay Krone, Josh Littlefield and Herb Mower were all elected to one-year terms on the Board of Directors. The Annual Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM. The meeting of the Corporate Board was called to order at 8:21 PM. Present: As above. Absent: Criswell Choi (Quaestor), Roger Nielsen (Fall Board Rep.), Richard Yeh (G.Z.). Minutes of the October 10, 2000, meeting were accepted as distributed by e-mail. BUSINESS Election of Officers 1. Mark Curtiss was elected to a one-year term as President of the Corporation. 2. Tom Faust was elected to a one-year term as Treasurer of the Corporation. 3. Josh Littlefield was elected to a one-year term as Clerk of the Corporation. REPORTS Work Week - Jon Coe 1. A final Work Week report was distributed, which listed all work completed and detailed items purchased. 2. Work Week expenses were slightly in excess of the original budget. 3. The Board approved a motion authorizing payment of $7938 for Work Week expenses. BUSINESS Renovation Expenses - Mike DeLaus 1. Corporation approved a motion to allocate $25K to cover pre-development expenses for the architects and their consultants. The will allow them to assess the project scope. The funds will be managed by Mike DeLaus for the Building Needs Committee, to be disbursed as the committee determines. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield, Corporate Clerk Minutes of November 14, 2000 Annual and Corporate Board Meetings Page ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Minutes of November 14, 2000 Annual and Corporate Board Meetings Page