ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 May 12, 2001 Minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Board, held February 27, 2001. The meeting was called to order at 7:18 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Mark Curtiss (Board), Jay Krone (Board), Thomas Quealy (Pro Consul, Board proxy for Consul), Josh Littlefield (Board), P. K. Hadley (Board), Mike DeLaus (Board), Danny Craig (Board Rep.), Rory Edwards, Rory Foster (House Mgr, Board). Absent: Herb Mower (Board), Tom Faust (Board), Karl Buttner (Board), Albert Chan (G.Z., Board), Woojin Choi (Quaestor, Board), Raudel Rodriguez (Board Rep.). Minutes of the November 14, 2000, meeting were accepted as distributed. CHAPTER REPORTS Consul Report - Thomas Quealy for Nick Cohen 1. A successful Initiation has resulted in ten new brothers. 2. IAP went relatively smoothly, except for some physical plant troubles. 3. The Chapter hosted Province Conference over the past weekend. It was successful, though there was a false fire alarm caused by another chapter. 4. MIT is close to choosing a new ILG advisor. 5. The Chapter is searching for a new R.A., and will make more progress when graduate admissions are announced. Quaestor Report - Thomas Quealy for Woojin Choi 1. Quaestor transition is going smoothly Work Week Manager - Rory Edwards 1. Planning for Work Week is starting. A suggestion sheet was posted in the house. 2. The work list will have to be coordinated with the renovation plan to avoid redundant work. House Manager - Rory Foster 1. A variety of minor issues are currently plaguing the house: There is a persistent leak from the pantry to the kitchen ceiling which no one has been able to diagnose. Sill cocks need repair after winter problems. Bathroom fans are not working well. The roof hatch blows off occasionally because the hinges are broken. 2. Stove vent cleaning will occur next week. CORPORATE REPORTS President Report - Mark Curtiss 1. No significant news. Mark did not attend the last AIFC meeting. Treasurer Report - Mark Curtiss for Tom Faust 1. The Corporation has about $85K in the bank. Taxes have been paid. Alumni House Manager - P. K. Hadley 1. PK has agreed to take on this new role as Alumni House Manager, to provide advice, emergency assistance, and continuity. He'll work with the House Manager and Work Week Manager in planning house maintenance. 2. PK saved the house was saved from major flood damage due to burst pipes over IAP. Building Needs Committee - Mike DeLaus 1. Shawmut Design and Construction was chosen as construction manager in December after interviewing three firms. They have worked for MIT and done lots of work in the Back Bay. They've worked previously with Hecht Sherding. 2. A very successful meeting was held in January with undergraduates, alumni and the architects to explore ideas about the renovation. 3. Hecht has met with Shawmut and started developing a master schedule for the project. They've run rough ideas about the project by consultants regarding zoning, etc. They brought a structural engineering firm to the house, and will soon be brining in an electrical/mechanical firm. 4. The Corporation has spent a bit more than $15K of the $25K approved in November. Further spending should be limited until the Corporation has a signed contract, schematics, cost figures, and a schedule. Mike is hopeful this can all happen by the next Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS Additional Funding for Renovation Design/Feasibility Work 1. The Board approved a motion to increase the initial allocation of funds to $40K until the next meeting, where cost estimates, master schedule, schematics and a contract are expected. As part of this motion, the contract must be signed before spending exceeds the initial $25K approved previously. 2. Mark Curtiss will recommend a lawyer who can review the contract. The lawyer's fee will come from the $40K approved above. 3. Mark recommended that the Chapter be active with the NABB, so that we have a positive image and understand a bit about the dynamics of that organization. The Community Relations Chair should attend their meetings. Zoning approval will be based on "compatibility," so NABB opinion will matter. Capital Campaign Update - Mark Curtiss 1. Not much progress so far on forming this committee. 2. The Corporation should be able to create a vehicle whereby some portion of donations for the capital campaign will be tax deductible. The renovation plan will designate portions of the building for educational purposes to allow this. MIT has become comfortable with the idea of doing this, and should be able to help establish the proper mechanism, perhaps passing donations through their organization. 3. Mark has been meeting occasionally with Pete McChesney, formerly of Stewart Howe, about fundraising. So far, no fees have been incurred. 120th Reunion in 2002 - Mark Curtiss 1. The Chapter has elected Roy Gross to server as Reunion Coordinator. The reunion will occur over Patriots' Day weekend in 2002. 2. Jon Piotti may attend the next Board Meeting to kick off planning. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield Corporate Clerk