ALPHA THETA CHAPTER OF SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY, INC. Alpha Theta Chapter M.I.T. founded 1882 founded 1861 November 13, 2002 Minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Board, held October 7, 2002. In the absence of the Clerk, Mike DeLaus graciously agreed to take on the role of acting Clerk and collect these minutes. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM in the Chapter House Library. Present: Ben Wang (Spring Board Rep., Quaestor), Raudel Rodriguez (Consul, Board), Mark Curtiss (Board), P. K. Hadley (Board), Herb Mower (Board), Jay Krone (Board), Mike DeLaus (Board), Adam d'Amico (Chapter Advisor), Tae Kim (Work Week Mgr), Michael Kahan (Fall Board Rep.), Karl Buttner (Board), Tom Faust (Board), Danny Craig (G.Z., Board), Rory Foster (Magister), Doug Bailey, Joshua Soong (Rush Chair). Absent: Brady Young (House Manager, Board), Neelash Kantak (Fall Board Rep.), Dennis Van der Staay (Spring Board Rep.), Josh Littlefield (Board). Minutes of the June 4, 2002 meeting were accepted as distributed. CHAPTER REPORTS Consul Report - Raudel Rodriguez 1. In September, the Leadership Consultant from national made his annual visit. During the visit, he hosted a risk management seminar that was attended by BU Sigs. Rush Chair Report -- Joshua Soong 1. Rush was successful with 10 pledges, against a goal of 12. Overall the numbers at most of the houses were down (254 bids accepted versus ~350 last year) At least one house got zero. 2. The chapter is considering a spring rush. Although they have not been that successful in the past, this year may be different given the fall rush numbers. 3. One sophomore pledged and will move into the house. There are 22 brothers and 1 pledge living in the house. Magister Report -- Rory Foster 1. A retention committee was formed to look at ways of insuring the pledges remain. 2. The big brothers program is being re-vamped. Big brothers will be doing more with the pledges. 3. I-week will be earlier next year, probably the last week of IAP. 4. Pledges will be charged a $50 fee this term and a $200 fee for the spring term. Their meals will be free. Quaestor Report -- Ben Wang 1. The Chapter will be submitting the required form to MIT to receive reimbursement for the empty beds due to the freshmen living in the dorms. 2. Summer House had a larger surplus then usual due to the higher number of women staying at the house ($9k vs. $7k). 3. Taxes have been paid. 4. The Chapter will give Tom Faust a rent check once the Work Week charges are accepted. 5. There is a plan to put together a budget model for the future, based on the expected number of brothers in the house. CORPORATE REPORTS Treasurer -- Tom Faust 1. The Corporation has ~$20k in the bank and is current on all bills. 2. We have closed on the $100k line of credit from the IRDF. No withdrawals have been made. President -- Mark Curtiss 1. Mark and Herb attended the recent AILG breakfast meeting. Attendance was high. There was discussion at the meeting about an accreditation process for the ILGs. Annual Fund -- Herb Mower 1. Herb distributed the alumni giving records for the last ten years. 2. Doug suggested a more detailed analysis to help with capital fundraising for the renovation. Adam volunteered to look into available software to help with this task. 3. This year’s letter will go out with the next Beaver Sig in about a month. Building Needs Committee -- Mike Delaus 1. Mark had a conversation with Steve Immerman (MIT strategic planning office) concerning the possibility of moving to Cambridge. Steve indicated that due to the current economic climate, MIT was reviewing their spending and looking at their land use. He was downbeat on the availability of land in Cambridge and said that this was not a realistic option at this time. 2. Mike is working with the architects on developing a project schedule that targets construction for the summer of 2004. A draft should be ready by the next meeting in November. Capital Campaign -- Doug Bailey 1. Doug is talking to various people at MIT, including the treasurer, with regards to funding options for the project. 2. The capital campaign is still in the early planning stages. OLD BUSINESS Work Week Budget -- Tae Kim 1. The total expenses for work week were $5,302.46 against a budget of $5,500. 2. Tae agreed to provide a detailed list of expenses so that final approval of the expenses can be given and the reimbursements due the house from the corporation can be made. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Joshua B. Littlefield Corporate Clerk