More Reunion Details

Tips on Getting in Contact with Lost Alumni

Many people have contacted John Piotti and me to get contact information on their pledge brothers and friends. First of all, thank you very much for helping us recruit our friends to come back to Boston! I wanted to post a little information to make it easier to find contact information for people.

If you have an account with the MIT alumni association, you can browse their database, sorted by living group and graduation year. By clicking here and logging in to their site, you're well on your way to browsing the same database MIT uses for all alumni mailings for Alpha Theta alumni.

If the information isn't there, you can also browse Alpha Theta's database by searching for alumni, or even browsing the entire listing. Seeing private information requires you to log into our system, and the site automatically prompts you to if you browse to this information. Haven't logged into the site before? Don't worry, you already have an account believe it or not! On the login page, scroll down to the "Alumni Password Reset", type in your personal information, and the site will generate a new password for you which you can reset. If you have any issues resetting your password or logging in, drop me a line. Don't forget to post an update and update your information before you leave!

Of course, if none of these help you, please feel free to contact John or me, we have additional information from the company that sends out the Beaver Sig, Stewart Howe Alumni Services.

Friday Night Dinners

As at past Reunions, a number of alumni will be organizing dinners for members of their class and/or era. Some dinners will take place at Boston-area restaurants. Others will occur at the homes of Boston-area alumni. You will be notified directly about an event by the alumnus organizing it.

Travel Plans

If you are traveling by air, please try to arrive in Boston by 4 PM on Friday. This will give you ample time to get to the hotel prior to Friday night events. (It's important that Friday dinners begin on time if we are all to get to the Chapter House Reception later that night.) If at all possible, try to stay in Boston until Monday, so that you can take full advantage of Patriots Day weekend in Boston.


We welcome children at Reunion. Some events are suited to kids; some are not. All of Sunday is ideal for children, with an informal brunch at the Chapter House, softball, and a barbeque. During Saturday's Ritual Exemplification, we'll organize guests and children on excursions into Boston (with the Public Garden a likely destination, weather permitting). That afternoon's "Alpha Theta Academy" is designed to hold the attention of older children (12 years or older), and we'll set up for younger kids with craft supplies in a nearby room. During the Saturday Banquet, we'll provide childcare at the Marriott for families staying there. (Please contact John Piotti directly if you need this service.) And on Friday night, some of the events being organized may be suitable for children. Ask the alumni host who contacts you.


If you need a hotel room, we have some good options for you, but NOT at the Cambridge Marriott where Saturday night's Banquet will be (the block of hotel rooms we reserved there are now gone).

Option 1: Cambridge Royal Sonesta. Rooms available @ $229/night. This hotel is along the Charles River about 5 minutes east of the Cambridge Marriott. Call 1-800-SONESTA or 617-806-4200. Say you are with "MIT Alpha Theta Reunion" or give them the code "85Q8RI".

Option 2: Marriott Boston Quincy. Rooms available @ $129/night. This hotel is NOT near Cambridge, but located in the City of Quincy south of Boston. The hotel is, however, handy to the same subway line ("Red Line") that goes directly to the Cambridge Marriott. Call 1-866-449-7387. Say you are with the "Alpha Theta Reunion."

If you need a hotel room, please don't delay. There is no guarantee how long they will last.


We have taken steps to keep costs as low as possible. Each alumnus will be asked to pay a modest "registration fee" of $30, plus $10 for every guest (over age 5). This fee will cover Saturday lunch and Sunday meals, but not Saturday night's Reception / Banquet / Ball. Tickets for that event are $70 / each.


Tickets and fees will not cover the full cost of Reunion. We'd welcome any donations to help offset other expenses.

Registration and Payment

We ask that you register and pay online using MIT's event system, which is accessible here. We very much hope that you will be able to use this system, as it will greatly simplify things on our end. But if it is impossible for you to do so, please contact the coordinators directly. If you plan to attend, please try to register immediately. This will make our planning that much easier.