Brother Profile


Spring 2007


125th Alumni Reunion Coordinator

Fall 2006


Network Administrator

125th Alumni Reunion Coordinator


Spring 2006



Network Administrator

125th Alumni Reunion Coordinator

Fall 2005


Derby Days Chair

Network Administrator

Spring 2005

Pro Consul


Network Administrator

Spring 2004

Risk Manager


Community Relations

Brian Wilt Class of 2007
Majors: 8 - Physics
Minors: 15 - Management
18 - Mathematics

Alpha Theta Information
Pledge Year: 2007
Pledge Number: 12
Status: Alumnus
Big Brother: Jin Kim
Little Brother(s): Ian Wolfe
About Me
Biography: At Stanford earning PhD in Applied Physics
Schnitzer Lab
Quotes: \"To keeping silence, I resigned: my friends would think I was a nut. Turning water into wine, open doors would soon be shut. So I went from day to day, though my life was in a rut, \'til I thought of what I\'d say: which connection I should cut.

\"I was feeling part of the scenery, I walked right out of the machinery, my heart was going boom, boom, boom. \'Hey,\' he said, \'grab your things I\'ve come to take you home.\'

\"When illusion spin her net: I\'m never where I want to be. And liberty she pirouette, when I think that I am free. Watched by empty silhouettes who close their eyes but still can see. No one taught them etiquette; I will show another me.

\"Today I don\'t need a replacement, I\'ll tell them what the smile on my face meant, my heart going boom, boom, boom. \'Hey,\' I said, \'you can keep my things, they\'ve come to take me home.\'\"

- Peter Gabriel, \"Solsbury Hill\"
Last updated Thursday, January 5, 2012