Letter from Sigma Chi Headquarters
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Thought I would post the letter we received from the national organization a few weeks ago. Reunion is only a week away!
Guard Well,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator
Happy 125th Anniversary, Alpha Theta Sigma Chi!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Just a quick note from the active chapter. Today marks a milestone for both our active chapter as well as MIT history. Alpha Theta turns 125 tomorrow, March 21, 2007. We were installed on that same day in 1882, the first permanent fraternity on MIT's campus. More information can be found on our chapter's website.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion in three weeks!
Guard Well,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator
Registered Attendees
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
You can now monitor (in real time!) who is registered to attend the reunion. Some memebers are listed multiple times because they have also registered guests. Bear in mind, these are only people who have officially registered. There are many more who have made informal commitments, whether through the phonathon or in correspondence to the reunion committee, who will be attending. With that, don't forget to register! We look forward to seeing you.
In Hoc,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator
Old Beaver Sigs
Thursday, February 23, 2007
It's February, and the reunion is a little less than two months away! I honestly can't believe it. Registration is picking up, and many have committed to coming but are yet to fill out the form (if you're one of those folks, register already!).
I promised that we would try to dig up some neat stories about our history, and we've had a little bit of luck! We're currently in the process of digitizing our historical documents which fill the a filing cabinet in the Consul's room. For a test run, we took some of our oldest documents to CopyTech which converted them to PDFs for an extremely reasonable price. Check out everything we scanned at the bottom of our chapter's history page.
For this week's story, we travel back to 1924, when the chapter was seriously discussing purchasing a house for the first time. In the second Alpha Theta Annual, on the front page, the chapter announced the purchase of 532 Beacon Street for $40,000 (a shade under $520,000 in 2006 dollars). A pretty good investment! Also, if you continue to scroll down to page 3, you'll notice that a young James R. Killian '25, future president of MIT, was elected to Annotator (I think!).
In Hoc,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator
Finding Peoples' Contact Information
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Dear Brothers,
Many people have contacted John Piotti and me to get contact information on their pledge brothers and friends. First of all, thank you very much for helping us recruit our friends to come back to Boston! I wanted to post a little information to make it easier to find contact information for people.
If you have an account with the MIT alumni association, you can browse their database, sorted by living group and graduation year. By clicking here and logging in to their site, you're well on your way to browsing the same database MIT uses for all alumni mailings for Alpha Theta alumni.
If the information isn't there, you can also browse Alpha Theta's database by searching for alumni, or even browsing the entire listing. Seeing private information requires you to log into our system, and the site automatically prompts you to if you browse to this information. Haven't logged into the site before? Don't worry, you already have an account believe it or not! On the login page, scroll down to the "Alumni Password Reset", type in your personal information, and the site will generate a new password for you which you can reset. If you have any issues resetting your password or logging in, drop me a line. Don't forget to post an update and update your information before you leave!
Of course, if none of these help you, please feel free to contact John or me, we have additional information from the company that sends out the Beaver Sig, Stewart Howe Alumni Services.
Again, looking forward to seeing everyone in April!
In Hoc,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator
First Correspondence!
Thursday, February 1, 2007

Dear Brothers,
Hopefully by now, you've received some sort of formal communication regarding the 125th anniversary reunion. Monday, Karl sent out 540 emails, John mailed approximately 600 invitations, and tonight, actives made calls to 514 alumni of the chapter. Initial feedback has been extremely positive, and we're looking forward to seeing you all in April!

In Hoc,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator
Welcome to the New 125th Anniversary Reunion Site
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Dear Brothers,
Welcome to the reunion section of our site, specially prepared to celebrate our 125th Anniversary Reunion. This section of the site provides an overview of the Reunion as well as schedule information and more Reunion details such as hotel accommodations. Please review this information and then register online!
Please help us spread the word about this great event to as many brothers as possible by filling in some of the missing email addresses for alumni and friends.
If you have a chance, maybe try to update your info, or even leave us a note about what you're up to. We always appreciate to hear what our alumni are up to.
This section of the site also has many features to reacquaint you with the chapter and its active members. Please, check out the brand new section "The Chapter Today" to learn about the undergraduates that make up Alpha Theta, and don't miss the house tour of good old 532 Beacon. Also, for Alpha Theta's Centennial in 1982, Mark Robien '84 penned an impressive history of our chapter which has been posted here. In the weeks leading up to the reunion, the historians at Alpha Theta plan on highlighting historical documents from our past. As a taste of what's to come, perhaps check out a letter from Alden "Bat" Thresher which reminisces about the life of a student in the class of 1918! Dr. Thresher was a professor of economics at MIT and the director of MIT admissions from 1936 - 1961.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Reunion coordinators. Hope to see you in April!
Also, please check out pictures from the 120th Anniversary Reunion, held from April 12 - 15, 2002. For someone like me who hasn't ever experienced a reunion, it gives an exciting preview of what's to come!
In Hoc,
Brian Wilt
Alpha Theta Sigma Chi '07
125th Anniversary Reunion Coordinator